Wednesday, June 2, 2010

On getting old(er)

I’m having a hard time writing because everything is going well. My tummy is growing, and aside from that effin constant heartburn, pregnant life is good.

Just now a friend that I was really close to in high school came in to do some banking. We’ve seen each other around the ‘hood a few times since, but in high school we were inseparable. He’s going to school, and told me a bit about his summer plans and how his last semester went. When he asked what was new with me I told him the usual stuff, and said, “And I’m having a baby in November.” He was completely shocked. “Really????” he asked, completely incredulous. We laughed for a while how weird everything was. I told him how sometimes after work I get in my car and think, “Cool! I have a car!” and he often thinks the same. Our ten year graduation anniversary is coming up this year, and I have a feeling that many people just shake their head in wonder, shocked at how we all have cars and jobs and spouses and babies. Weird.